Police find 37 empty beer cans in truck of alleged drunk driver
Police said an intoxicated driver drove his vehicle into a prisoner conveyance van.
According to police spokesman Officer David Hartman, Officer Vincent Ovchar was driving the prisoner conveyance vehicle on Howard Avenue near Congress Avenue at about 8 p.m. on Sunday when the vehicle was struck. Ovchar then tried to stop the vehicle driver but he didn’t succeed in it for several streets.
The driver pulled his beige Ford pick-up truck over on Kossuth Street. 3 individuals were found by the police in the vehicle. No individual could speak English, so Officer Francisco Sanchez responded to interpret.
Ovchar and the prisoners he was transporting were not injured in the accident. The only damage to the prisoner conveyance vehicle was a broken side-view mirror.
24-year-old Francisco Simon gave a field sobriety test to the driver of the vehicle which suggested he was under the influence of any intoxicant, according to Hartman. His BAC level was 0.1797% which is more than double than the legal limit.
37 empty beer cans were removed from Simon’s truck by the police. Police charged Simon with driving under the influence, evading responsibility, not carrying vehicle insurance, operating an unregistered vehicle and failing to drive in the proper lane.
News Source: www.NHRegister.com