Have you suffered unexpectedly after a surgery in Middlesex County? Connective personal injury attorney Jack O’Donnell can help you figure out if you have grounds for a medical malpractice claim.
Going in for surgery requires a certain amount of trust. You have to have faith that the surgeon knows what they are doing, that the anesthesiologist has everything calculated correctly, and that the entire staff, from nurses to cleaners, have and will be meticulous. If even one is lazy, careless, or reckless, your life and future could be forever changed.
Few patients realize, however, that nearly any interaction with the medical world can come with similar risks and potentially fatal consequences. If a general practitioner misdiagnoses your pain, a condition could go untreated; if a pharmacist confuses medication, the side effects can be dramatic or even deadly.
While some risk is always to be expected with medicine, especially surgery, if a serious problem is caused by one individual or institution’s failure to treat you correctly, they should pay for the harm they caused. Fortunately for Middlesex County residents, victims of such medical malpractice can turn to skilled attorneys like Jack O’Donnell to help them seek compensation for the harm caused.
Connecticut is often considered one of the best states to live in for medical care, and with good reason. Nestled right in its heart, folks in Middlesex County have excellent access to reputable hospitals and medical facilities. But no institution, no matter how prestigious, is safe from error, including very human mistakes born of carelessness and overconfidence.
If you live in or near Middlesex County, and you have suffered the cost of such a mistake, either on your own body or at the cost of the life of a loved one, you can try to obtain justice using a medical malpractice claim. If that fails, your attorney can help you escalate to a medical malpractice lawsuit (the average payout penalty for which, in Connecticut, is nearly 1 million dollars). For that claim or lawsuit to be effective, however, you are going to have to demonstrate a breach of the standard or duty of care.
This means that
If you are not sure whether your case meets these conditions, the best thing you can do is reach out to a medical malpractice attorney near you, like Jack O’Donnell, who will be able to help you determine that for free.
When dealing with the aftermath of a surgical mishap or the years of struggle following a misdiagnosis, it is hard to overestimate the financial burden such incidents can have on your life. It is hard to estimate it, period. Fortunately, medical malpractice lawyers have years of experience helping you calculate those damages and hold the medical institution and their insurance company responsible for covering them all, including:
For many families, the medical bills alone represent a serious burden. Not only are there the original surgical or treatment costs, but on top of them, additional costs for side effects, new medication, diagnostics and tests to identify the problem continue to pile on and add up.
All of these, and any other medical costs associated with both the initial and new medical problems, should be included in your Connecticut medical malpractice claim. But they are not the only ones.
Medical malpractice incidents come with plenty of other costs, including many that might not seem as obvious. For example, if you missed several weeks, months, or even years of work at your workplace in Middletown due to the injury, your Middlesex County medical malpractice lawyer will make sure that lost income is also included as damages to be compensated in your claim.
The same can be said for everything from an inability to contribute around the house to a reduction in your income due to a permanent disability. If it has a cost in dollars, or one can be estimated, then those dollars should not be paid by you but by the insurance company of the medical institution or practitioner responsible for your condition.
Not all harm can be easily translated into a dollar cost; however, some losses are less material and more emotional. If your quality of life has suffered from the medical malpractice incident, that should be reflected in your compensation.
For example, if you can no longer play the sports you love, go to your church in Middletown, or get up and through the day without crippling pain, you can add emotional harm, trauma, or loss in quality of life to your medical malpractice claim.
The question of compensation becomes even more complex when dealing with the loss of a spouse or family member. There is no way to put a price tag on that loss, but a medical malpractice claim can help cover some of the material costs and damages associated with it for spouses, children, or dependents.
In Middlesex County and Connecticut as a whole, such wrongful death medical malpractice claims are usually filed on behalf of the estate’s deceased. In addition to including many of the damages outlined above, your lawyer can make sure the wrongful death claim includes compensation for the pain of that loss, the loss of companionship, the income the family will never get, and even funeral costs.
So whether you have lost a loved one to a medical malpractice incident or have suffered one yourself, it is vital you reach out to a skilled and experienced lawyer as soon as possible to begin making a claim.
Law Office of Jack O'Donnell, L.L.C. | Connecticut Lawyers ready to help you obtain justice and compensation after any medical malpractice in Middletown or Middlesex County.
If you have suffered complications after surgery, or endured any chronic issues due to a doctor’s negligent notice, or a had a loved one taken away by an unexplained infection during medical care, you can and should be feeling betrayed and at a loss for what to do. Our lawyers can help you obtain justice and financial compensation for such incidents of medical malpractice in Middlesex County or anywhere in Connecticut.
Even if you only suspect a problem and are not yet sure, we can help. Call our office at (203) 787-8603 or set up a free consultation online to discuss your situation. Our medical malpractice lawyers will help you figure out if you have grounds to file a claim and go over your options.