DUI Drivers In Connecticut To Get Licenses Back More Quickly After Installation Of Breathalyzer Device
On 1st of July, the new legislation will be implemented.
On Tuesday, Governor Dannel Malloy signed a new legislation for individuals convicted of drunk driving in Connecticut. That legislation will make the drivers able who are charged or convicted of driving under the influence of alcohol to get their driver’s licenses back after a 45 day suspension period rather than the 90 days.
A requirement for the shorter suspension is that the convicted drivers will only drive vehicles that have in-car breathalyzers installed which tests the alcohol levels in a driver’s breath prior to permitting the vehicle’s engine to start.
It was told to the Patch by the Under Secretary for Criminal Justice Policy and Planning, Mike Lawlor that the bill targets “people who have already demonstrated a propensity for driving while drunk and discourages them from doing so again”. He added, “This means people will still be able to drive to work and get on with their lives”.
According to Lawlor, the support for the bill came from Mothers Against Drunk Drivers (MADD). The Organization’s focus is on prevention of driving under the influence of alcohol.
The figures obtained from the Foundation for Advancing Alcohol Responsibility shows that in Connecticut, the number of deaths related to drunk driving decreased 25% in the last 10 years.
News Source: NewTown.Patch.com