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Motor Vehicle Violations

Traffic violations occur all too often. From fines to points against your license, these violations can be difficult and frustrating to deal with. If you find yourself facing a moving violation, you may have legal options – and our firm is here to help you take advantage of them.

Offering more than four decades of experience, the Law Office of Jack O’Donnell is deeply familiar with how to effectively manage motor vehicle violation cases. From start to finish, we will meticulously analyze the facts of your case and help you establish a clear and effective plan of action to move forward with.

Your motor vehicle violation doesn’t have to be the end of the world. Work with our skilled attorneys to get familiar with your options and make educated decisions about your future.

Common Traffic Violations In Connecticut

There has been a recent surge of motor vehicle violations in the state of Connecticut. Some of the most frequent charges include:

If you plead guilty to any of the above violations, you may be given penalty points on your driving record, fined, forced to take an education course, or even have your driving privileges suspended. Furthermore, you may be subject to insurance repercussions. For this reason, it is critical to work with a qualified attorney to help you mitigate the charges brought against you.

What To If You’ve Been Pulled Over For A Motor Vehicle Violation

If you are pulled over by law enforcement, it is best to be courteous and respectful to the officer – even if you disagree with them. Your demeanor and attitude may be noted on your ticket, and traffic court prosecutors will take this into consideration upon their review.

Once you receive a ticket, it is important that you do not plead guilty immediately without comprehending the full extent of the consequences. If you have legal defense options, your attorney will help you identify them and take the right steps in order to take full advantage of them.

How A Motor Vehicle Violations Attorney Can Help You

Violation of motor vehicle laws can be complicated to understand and manage without legal training. With the guidance and oversight of your legal counsel, you will be able to obtain an honest and accurate assessment of your case and the ways to achieve the best outcome.

When you contact our office, we will provide you with a cost-benefit analysis to help you determine whether or not your motor vehicle violation case is worth fighting for. Our legal professionals will carefully consider all aspects of your situation and work with you to explore every possible defense for your case.

The Law Office of Jack O’Donnell: Your Trusted Motor Vehicle Violation Law Firm In New Haven, CT

Are you ready to get started with a risk-free consultation with a member of our team? Contact us today to get your legal questions answered!