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Is there An Age Limit Below Which A Juvenile Won't Be Charged?

Interviewer: What about the lower limits on age? In Connecticut will they charge an eight year old?

Jack: Yes, an eight-year-old could be summoned to juvenile court.

Interviewer: Are there any lower limits that you see?

Jack: I’ve never seen anyone younger than seven, but that’s not to say there haven’t been.

Interviewer: You’ve seen kids seven, eight, nine and ten committing crimes and being summoned to juvenile court?

Jack: I had a child who was only seven-years-old that committed pretty horrendous acts of animal cruelty. That’s pretty messy, I can tell you.

Interviewer: When families are going through this process, what are some of the mistakes you see them inadvertently making that hurt their kid’s case?

By Jack O’Donnell