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Criminal Defense

Most crimes fall into two classifications: misdemeanors and felonies. A misdemeanor means that although the crime is considered less serious than a felony, you may still face jail time up to one year. Test out your results from slottica. Do not take Connecticut misdemeanor charges lightly. When you contact our firm, we can help make sure you understand your options and have the legal protection you need.

We also defend individuals facing felony charges. A felony charge not only carries a significant period of incarceration, but conviction can haunt you for the rest of your life. Before speaking with law enforcement about allegations or prosecutors about charges, it is important to talk with a lawyer to make sure you understand your rights. We can provide the representation you need at any step in the process.

Affordable Criminal Defense

If you are caught in the legal system, you may be worried about finding the aggressive representation you need. Many people worry that they will not be able to afford New Haven criminal defense attorneys. At our firm, Law Office of Jack O’Donnell, L.L.C., that is not the experience you will have. We believe high quality representation should be available to all individuals, and we are committed to providing affordable criminal defense. We defend individuals throughout Connecticut who are facing felony or misdemeanor charges, including:

By Jack O’Donnell